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Sanitizing Equipment

  • BETCO #29 Fast Draw Spray Foam Ultra

Heavy Duty Foaming Degreaser • Concentrate

Concentrated heavy duty foaming degreaser for use in supermarkets, food processing plants and other foodservice environments. It produces an abundance of thick foam that will maximize contact time and cling to vertical surfaces to quickly remove all types of animal fats and associated soil. Continued use of Spray Foam Ultra will effectively remove old film residues in food prep areas. This product does not contain caustic or chlorine thereby reducing physical and chemical hazards for employees. Is noncorrosive to equipment.

  • Concentrated - Use 1/2 oz. per gal.
  • Free rinsing - No residue. Thick rich foam.
  • Noncaustic, noncorrosive, clinging foam allows easy cleaning of vertical surfaces.
  • Quickly removes animal fat, grease, vegetable oil, blood and fatty soils.

Packaged: Single 3.78L Fast Draw


Spray Foam Ultra is a foaming degreaser for use in supermarkets, food service and food processing operations.
First scrape heavy accumulations. Food must be removed or covered prior to application. In food processing areas, all surfaces must be rinsed with a potable water rinse.

MANUAL APPLICATIONS: Use mop, brush or sponge. Dilute 1/2 oz./gal. or 4 mL/L (1:256) with water. Rinse well.
SPRAY APPLICATION: Use full strength in sprayer reservoir. Proportioning device should be set 1:256. Rinse well afterwards.
TRIGGER SPRAY BOTTLES: Fill bottle from proportioner. Apply to surface to be cleaned. Rinse with water, wipe dry.
IN FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS: For extremely heavy soils, dilute 1 - 3 oz./gal. Rinse well. 


Color Amber
Flash Point None
Foaming Thick, stable
Fragrance None
Freeze/thaw stability 3 cycles
Fumes None
Grease emulsification Excellent
pH 11.0 - 11.4
Phosphates None
Rinsability Complete
Shelf life 1 year



BETCO #29 Fast Draw Spray Foam Ultra

  • Brand: Betco
  • Product Code: BETCO-18647-00
  • Availability: In Stock

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